Tuesday, January 24, 2006

"An interested group of visitors learns how carrier planes are launched" Posted by Picasa

"Despite the weather, these people want to know how
the Navy can land a jet travelling at 120 miles per hour
on a runway which is moving forward as well as up and down!"
Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

You can see the silhouettes of the sailors on the flight deck as they get a last look at home port for a few months.(Click on photos to enlarge them)

Try to imagine yourself lining up to land on the ship's angle deck at 120 - 140 knots!

USS Ronald Reagan at left is moving past USS Nimitz at right. USS Midway, a decomissioned aircraft carrier which is now a museum, can only bear silent witness and "remember" her glory days of putting out to sea.

Moving past USS Nimitz, USS Reagan is about to make a slow turn to port to put her in the San Diego shipping channel.

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