Friday, January 21, 2005

A bright fitting..........

Jim's got their attention!

Midway is accessible!

Jerry, a retired Marine aviator and LSO, fields questions about carrier landings from guests on the "porch".

TJ explains the stations on the bridge from the helm.

Dan describes UnRep procedures (Note photo on the chair).

Vern, ex-Midway Air Boss during the 1975 evacuation of Saigon, briefs guests assembled on the "porch" before they enter PriFly

Education and Direction - The art of "Docenting" (Note the "41")

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Midway's got her "name" in lights!!

Pat explaining the workings of the steam catapult as a line forms to visit PriFly

Frank and Brian - A pair of Yellow hats!

Vince spent a long time on the Midway flight deck...

Day's end at the exit brow!

An S-3 in the pattern to land at NAS North Island. ("S-3 Hoover" - they really do sound like vacuum cleaners)

Good night..............

Thursday, January 06, 2005

"All I said was that her kid was too short to meet the height requirement for the island!!" (Seriously, these docents are participating a first aid class aboard MIDWAY) Anyone recognize them? (First names only, please)

Serious Docents prepare to save the dummies! Do you recognize your fellow Docents? (First names only, please)

Safety person speaks to a dummy as others many of these people can you identify?? (First names only, please)

Learning how to repair broken Docents....can you identify these people? (First names only, please)

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